The graph above offers some examples of how factors such as temperature and relative humidity, both important components in the air we breathe, affect us. At a temperature of over 21° C indoors, performance drops rapidly. At CO2 levels that exceed 1000 PPM (limit value for a healthy environment), we know that our ability to think strategically drops drastically. Beyond that, there is an association between airborne particles and illness, especially small particles against which the human body has no natural defense.
The WELL Building Standard argues that well-ventilated offices can double the cognitive ability of workers. Upon examining the effect of thermal comfort, it concluded that performance drops by 6% if office space is too hot and 4% if it is too cold. Moreover, studies have found that high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) significantly diminish cognitive ability and strategic thinking.
How indoor climate affects us
There are many factors at play in an indoor setting that can cause our bodies and minds to feel and think differently - temperature, humidity and air pollution being the main contributors.
Ventilation and the health of your building
In our push to cut carbon emissions, the pressure to increase the energy-efficiency of our buildings is intensifying.